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Learn ways to positively represent your company on review websites

It’s no secret that consumers often choose companies based on their presence on review websites such as Google+, Yelp, Facebook, TripAdvisor, Yahoo and the Better Business Bureau. Is your company well represented on these sites?

Online reviews increase your company’s exposure

Studies show that prospective customers will research two or more companies online before determining where they will spend their money. Most likely, they will visit online review sites to see the comments past customers have made about the company.

A person will generally choose the company with the most positive reviews. And then, once the customer’s transaction is complete with that company, he or she will often leave a comment online – and this is how the cycle continues.

Visit review sites to see the feedback of your previous customers

If you check out your company online and find an abundance of positive feedback, give yourself a pat on the back; your company is doing quite well. If you saw negative feedback or no feedback at all, then it’s likely that your advertising efforts are falling short.

Negative or no feedback can be detrimental for your company. Today, positive online reviews are akin to free advertising, and you want your company to be the most talked about. Ask your customers to leave an online review on any one of the popular review sites. It’s really that simple!

Is asking your customers to leave online reviews a formula for success?

According to a Yodle survey, 60 percent of people polled said that they like having the option to leave feedback after they complete a transaction. The report also noted that many businesses do not ask their customers to leave online reviews, and this is a missed opportunity of great consequence.

Customers don’t mind leaving a short review and a rating, but you must ask them. With the technology available today, companies don’t even have to ask each customer in person to review their products and services. Instead, they can make use of online review management software to send a request automatically. Yodle’s research revealed that 36 percent of customers think that online reviews help set a business apart from others, 40 percent want to see reviews and 76 percent specifically seek out reviews.

Make it your mission to generate positive reviews

The statistics have made it clear that customers expect to see reviews about your company. It doesn’t matter to them if the reviews are negative or positive; they just need to see feedback. Of course, having negative reviews should matter to you, but we will tackle that issue a little later on.

First, you have to reach out to people by building your online presence.

  • Have a Facebook account.
  • Have a Twitter account.
  • Have a Google+ account.
  • Have an Instagram account.
  • Use an effective online review management software application.

Social media platforms are a great way to increase your sales, but if you are new to the world of social media or it seems overwhelming, start by only managing one account. GO-Gulf’s infographic shows that social media increases exposure by 83 percent. That’s an opportunity for success that you can’t afford to miss.

Online review management software is the Advertising King

Once you have established a social media presence, invest in an online review management software application. This will enable you to automatically request that your customers leave reviews, and it will also allow you to be in control of what customers post about your company.

For instance, let’s say a disgruntled customer leaves a nasty review about your company. That customer will be encouraged to post the feedback, but he or she will be given options of review sites that people rarely visit. If a satisfied customer leaves a positive review, he or she is given options of well-known review sites. For each positive review you get, the more popular your company becomes. You can also post customers’ reviews on your company website and social media accounts to let people know that your company is one of the best in the area.

Online review management software, like ReviewMaxer, is an affordable way to quickly gain popularity online and manage your company’s reputation – and it is extremely easy to use. ReviewMaxer efficiently monitors, collects and promotes your online reviews – effectively and easily from a central dashboard. Sign up for a free demo and learn how it can work for you. For more advice on how to handle negative reviews and how to get your business at the top of search listings, read the ReviewMaxer blog today.


Photo credit: 123RF Stock Photo

Written by: Paul Cook

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