


Local businesses benefit the most from reviews. They must compete with giant corporations that can afford multimillion-dollar marketing and advertising campaigns. Because of this, local businesses have to be more strategic with managing their reviews. Reputation management is a crucial matter when it comes to generating new customers.

Here are three facts about local business reviews that you can use to your advantage:

  1. Fifty-one percent of consumers will select a local business if it has positive reviews (BrightLocal).

Consumers want to turn to local businesses for their needs. Big-box stores and corporations aren’t native to their town and lack the sense of camaraderie a local business offers. For restaurants, people assume fresher ingredients when they eat local. Local boutiques may use local designers and products. Using a local business means fueling the community. And to be a part of the local community, you have to make a name for your local business, starting with its reputation.

  1. Businesses that reply to their online reviews at least 25% of the time generate 35% more revenue (Womply).

People who read your company’s reviews and see you replying to customers will respect your promptness and efficiency in taking care of your customers’ needs. Engaging with customer reviews has a positive outcome when you keep it professional and respectful. Make it right for a customer who had an unsatisfactory experience. Did someone get the order wrong at your restaurant? Always give an apology and perhaps a coupon for that patron’s next visit. 

  1. Sixty-eight percent of people say positive reviews make them trust a local business more (BrightLocal).

Positive reviews are vital to everyone, and local businesses need positive reviews to compete with large corporations. However, it’s also important to consider the opposite effect: How can negative reviews make people distrust a local business? Managing negative reviews can be trickier than managing positive ones. Having a review management system in place helps you prevent too many negative reviews from tarnishing your online reputation.

Check out this free demo today to find out how easy it is to use ReviewMaxer to improve your local business’s online reputation.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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