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4 ways ReviewMaxer helps you increase and manage your online reviews

For many people, the first step in the buying process is to read product reviews on Amazon. With the increase in online shopping, online product reviews are more valuable than ever before, and Amazon has become the benchmark for consumers looking to read reviews. According to Marketing Land, 44 percent of buyers go directly to Amazon to start their product searches, compared to 34 percent who use search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.

So, what separates you from the competition? Five-star ratings and raving customer reviews.

Consumers love online reviews.

A study by BrightLocal shows 84 percent of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, and industry experts expect this trend to increase in the coming years. Conversely, four out of five consumers reverse their purchase decisions after reading negative reviews.

With the significant rise in Amazon Prime users, you need to ensure your products are receiving favorable reviews – on Amazon as well as other review websites. Online customer review management software, like ReviewMaxer, helps you manage your customer reviews easily and efficiently – and even increases positive reviews for your company and products.

  1. ReviewMaxer allows you to proactively invite satisfied customers to write a positive review.

Research shows that when asked, seven out of 10 consumers will leave a review for a business. ReviewMaxer’s easy-to-use dashboard provides you with a simple way to text or email customers, obtain positive feedback and increase your favorable online reviews on Amazon and other important social media sites.

  1. Online reviews shape how people perceive brands.

The more social proof – or social influence – your brand has, the better your online reputation and brand image. ReviewMaxer allows you to share your positive Amazon reviews on all your social media channels and on your website, aiding in organic SEO and ranking.

Positive online reviews influence what customers think they should say when providing their own personal feedback. If a business has 200 reviews with an average rating of four stars, consumers think, “This business is well-liked and has great reviews; I’ll say something positive.”

  1. ReviewMaxer helps you manage and respond to reviews.

To rise above the competition, you must effectively manage your online reviews. ReviewMaxer lets you know when and where your customers are talking about your product and allows you to quickly respond to feedback, both positive and negative. Managing online reviews will help you improve the customer experience, both for those who commented and those seeking reviews on your products.

  1. You can maximize your social proof by engaging positive reviews.

Just like you would for an in-person compliment, you should offer your thanks online too. Expressing your gratitude for online reviews is further evidence of a positive online reputation. It shows you care and are thankful for all your customers.

Respond to all comments in a reasonable time. You want to address negative comments quickly, and it’s equally important to reinforce positive reviews in a timely manner.

Request a ReviewMaxer demo to see how you can harness the power of positive online reviews with Amazon and social media sites.

Photo credit: Pablo

Written by: Karen Schexnayder

Comments (1)

piucklabms on November 09, 2020

Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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