


The first steps you should take to begin generating reviews for your company

The legal field poses unique challenges when it comes to obtaining online reviews. The sensitive and personal nature of a law firm’s work makes it more difficult to get clients to speak out about their experiences. But if you look at generating reviews for your firm as both a numbers game and a long-term proposition – you’ll see that it’s more than worth the effort.

The value of a single review is enormous. Consider the conversion increase that even a single review provides your firm: A recent Bazaarvoice study showed that one positive online review could boost conversion by 10 percent. Every subsequent review boosts that rate even more.

With a long-term review acquisition strategy, it’s important to have patience and make sure you’re putting in a sound and consistent effort to gather reviews from your clients. Here’s how to get started.

  1. Find your major review-site listings across the web.

Once you’ve created your account and logged into your dashboard, automatically search and upload links for your business’s existing listings across the most important major review sites by clicking the Connect a Location button in Dashboard > Funnel > Links > Review Profile.

Although industry-specific sites play a huge role for law firms, your major review-site listings (on sites like Google+ and Facebook) do have a large impact on your company’s visibility and reputation on the internet. Even if you choose to hide these major review-site links on your landing page, it’s valuable to keep them in your list for monitoring.

  1. Find your industry-specific review-site listings across the web.

Industry-specific review sites are particularly important in the legal field and you shouldn’t overlook them. Consider creating or seeking out existing listings on the following review sites (we integrate with all of the sites mentioned):

As always, if there’s a review site you’d like to see integrated into our platform, feel free to get in touch.

  1. Determine which of the review sites are most important to your goals.

Take a moment to inventory and assess your listings across these major and minor sites to determine which links you’d like to display and highlight for your visitors. Highlight your top priority site by dragging its link into the blue box in Dashboard > Funnel > Links > Your Review Site Links.

  1. Ask clients directly for feedback.

As a law firm, you have the advantage of establishing strong, sustained, face-to-face relationships with your clients. This is why asking your satisfied clients to leave a review is still one of the most powerful and effective ways to acquire them. And by directing customers to your landing page, you ensure that those reviews go exactly where you want them to go.

Still, your clients are susceptible to all the same deterrents to leaving a review as customers across all industries, including simply forgetting to do so. That’s why it’s useful to send them off with a tangible reminder to visit your landing page.

Our printed invites are uniquely useful in a law office environment. Here are a few ideas for incorporating our printed invites into your workflow:

  • Include your URL on appointment cards or use our printed review invites as appointment cards.
  • Include invites with paperwork or in paperwork folders (some have pocket slots for business cards).
  • Leave invites in a business card holder at the front desk.
  • Include your URL or an invite card in client mailings.

Note that we offer the proofing and printing of these cards in-house and at cost, but you may want to experiment with creating similar invitations with your own printer or find additional ways to incorporate your landing page URL into your business literature.

If you keep an email list, you might also consider using our drip campaigns or your email software to send a review invitation to your customers via email. You’ll also find an embeddable email signature snippet in the Widgets section that you can use to drive interaction with your landing page right in your correspondence. And our embeddable landing-page widgets are great for your website (find these in Dashboard > Widgets).

  1. Optional: Monitor your reviews across sites and keep tabs on what people are saying about you.

It’s important to take a proactive approach to managing your online reputation. Our optional Review Monitoring add-on allows you to keep an eye on what people are saying about your business across the internet. You’ll receive email alerts whenever you receive a new review on any third-party site listing you’ve loaded into your account so that you can take quick action if needed.

  1. Adjust your campaign as needed.

Review acquisition is a long-term commitment and one worth doing authentically. You may find that the most important review sites for your business change over time. We encourage you to make adjustments as you go. You can re-order, hide, show, edit and delete your review site links at any time. (You can perform all these actions in Dashboard > Funnel > Links > Your Review Site Links.)

Watch this free demonstration today to see how ReviewMaxer software works.

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