


Your online reputation is a crucial element to your company’s success. As employees, you need to monitor, improve, and promote your online presence through reviews. 

Online reviews matter to your company because of the amount of trust consumers have in them and the effect they have on your company’s image.

Reviews hold a lot more power for your company than you might think. Consumers rely on reviews to make decisions. Around 97% of consumers read reviews for local companies, and approximately 84% of consumers trust those online reviews as much as recommendations from friends or family. That’s a lot of read and trusted reviews. Since reviews matter, you should encourage consumers to leave a review because seven out of 10 consumers will leave a review when you ask them to

Positive reviews lead to new consumers and boost revenue. The better the review, the stronger the boost. However, negative reviews can be just as powerful, if not stronger than positive ones. Negative reviews hurt your reputation, and it’s difficult to improve that reputation after just one negative review — it takes around 40 positive reviews to overpower it. 

However, you can help lessen the impact of a negative review by using ReviewMaxer. When you create a ReviewMaxer account, we will monitor your reviews. Reviews that receive a certain (positive) rating will automatically be sent to your company’s website and displayed. You can configure these settings in your account, too. If a review isn’t within the rating you set, then the consumer will be prompted to fill out a short form to inform you of the issue they had, rather than posting a negative review to your website. They don’t have to fill out the form and can still choose to send the review to your page; however, most of the time, the consumer is satisfied with informing you of the issue and will opt to not send the negative review to your company’s page.

Consumers not only look at the reviews, but they view your company’s responses to the reviews. Around 89% of consumers read companies’ responses to reviews. This is why it's extremely important to write thought-out responses to reviews or follow review templates to help you respond.

Now that you understand the importance of reviews for your company, open a ReviewMaxer account to help monitor, improve, and promote your company’s reviews.

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