


3 ways your company can gain more positive reviews

Facebook mobile now includes a company’s review star average, making positive online reviews even more important to businesses. The review star average is prominent, so when potential customers go to your Facebook page to decide whether they want to eat at, buy from or do business with your company, having a high review star average will be crucial.

According to Entrepreneur, a three-week survey of U.S. internet users revealed that more than one in three wouldn’t eat at a restaurant that had less than four stars. The internet plays a huge role in the consumer’s decision-making process. Let’s say you’re on vacation and you use Facebook to research the restaurants recommended by the front desk. One restaurant has three stars and the other has four and a half. Which restaurant would you try first?

Company reviews are very important to modern consumers, which is why Facebook made them even easier to access.

Here are three ways you can encourage more positive online reviews:

      1. Offer an incentive.

This is a win/win situation. The customer receives a coupon after leaving a review – positive or negative – for his or her next visit that encourages him or her to come back to your business, which could result in another purchase from that same customer. 

      2. Engage with your customers.

Customers want to be heard. For positive reviews, responding with “Thank you for the great review!” or simply liking the review goes a long way. For negative reviews, responding quickly and genuinely is important.

      3. Turn negative reviews into positive ones.

  • When a customer leaves a negative review, apologize and then offer an incentive for that customer to return. This gives your company a second chance to make a better impression, and hopefully the customer will go back and rewrite his or her review.

    You can accomplish all three of these tactics with reputation management software.

    We recommend ReviewMaxer. It’s proactive in reaching out to customers who had a positive experience but aren’t motivated to leave a review, while also reaching out to customers who had a negative experience before they go online and vent, potentially causing your review average to decrease. You can also offer coupons and discounts that encourage customers to leave reviews, and you can thank customers who left positive reviews as well as make amends with customers who left negative reviews.


    Comments (3)

    ihyxidzkcg on November 07, 2020

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

    ReviewMaxer Specialist on August 25, 2020

    Hi Tom! Thanks for reading! This screenshot was taken with Facebook mobile Version 55.0, 117 MB. Is this the same version as yours? Facebook shows review star averages for pages under the category of “Local Businesses”.

    tom perry on June 02, 2016

    i don’t see same screenshot on my FB app (showing star ratings prominently)

    app is updated

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