

Blog » reputation management

Let’s start with defining what reputation means. Reputation is what others think and perceive of you as a person or, if you’re a company, as a brand. It takes years to build a positive reputation, but it can take seconds to lose it all.


What is reputation management?

Now that we have defined what reputation means, let’s discuss what reputation management is. Reputation management is the process of trying to influence what and how people think of you. With the help of the internet, many companies nowadays interact with their audiences as much as possible to build relationships with them, whether it’s through social media or online reviews. This helps their reputations flourish. 


Buying Google reviews will hurt your business more than it will help

We get it; earning reviews for your company is hard. Earning good reviews is even harder, especially when it’s more common for a customer to leave a bad review than a good one. 

As tempting as buying Google reviews might sound, don’t do it. Here’s why it’s not a good idea:


Before you can address fake reviews, you must be able to spot them. A fake review is commonly written in an angry or malicious tone and will not feature specific criticism. Authentic negative reviews will usually include specific reasons for leaving the review and what the customer disliked about his or her visit or experience. 


Studies show that 86% of customers read reviews on local establishments and a minimum of 10 reviews before making their decision. With this data, it’s important to make sure your online presence isn’t marked with negative reviews as they could drive away potential clients.   

A current trend revolves around people intentionally creating fake 4-star reviews to pull down a perfect 5-star rating. Four-star reviews don’t automatically appear as false, but in an abundance, they can pull the Google rating down. With a lower rating, a company will be further down the webpage and, therefore, will have trouble getting business. 


Providing an option for anonymity encourages reviews

Getting positive online reviews can be tough – even more so when you work in a field that’s considered controversial or is embarrassing for consumers to acknowledge they frequent. For example, if you’re in the cannabis industry or the plastic surgery industry, you might find it difficult to get your customers to leave online reviews because those individuals want to maintain their privacy.

Several review websites provide an option to leave a review anonymously. This may be the best option for your customers. Promising anonymity motivates customers who had good experiences with your company, but feel uncomfortable sharing their thoughts in a review. For instance, someone who underwent plastic surgery may want to keep it confidential, but can still give accolades to the doctor and staff who performed the operation.

Some review websites that allow anonymity:

  • Google.
  • Yelp.
  • Yahoo.
  • YP.
  • Zillow.
  • Vitals.
  • Angie’s List.
  • WeddingWire.

These review websites give individuals the option to select whether or not they’d like their name and/or location to appear when they leave a review for a company. It’s helpful if the anonymous reviewer provides some specific details about his or her experience so the review appears authentic.

You want to have a recognizable, trusted brand, and that starts with a glowing online reputation. Online reviews are difficult to manage and can become overwhelming, especially if you work in a controversial industry. When you use software like ReviewMaxer to help you manage your reviews, it’s easy to protect and even improve your online reputation,

Watch this free demonstration today to see how ReviewMaxer software works.

Photo credit: Pablo

Written by: Amanda Murguido