

Blog » online reviews

A step-by-step process for reaching out to your customers via email

Our automated email campaigns allow you to reach out to your recent customers over time to facilitate a steady stream of reviews. Follow the steps below to get the most out of your campaign.

1) Customize/set up your campaign.

Before accessing any campaign features, you must complete the initial campaign setup by filling out the fields in the Setup email invite campaigns window. Once you have completed this setup, you’ll have access to all campaign features.

By default, the first email to a recipient will be sent out immediately after a recipient becomes active (more on this below). The Deactivate recipients on click? setting will also be turned on. You can adjust both of these settings in the setup window.

Please note: Using a free email address – e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, AOL – in the From email field can cause your campaign emails to bounce.

Before sending out any emails, take some time to customize your email campaign. This will help convert more customers into reviewers. Consider personalizing the wording of the emails. The default language is serviceable for a wide range of businesses, but the more directly you speak to your customers, the more you stoke the sense of reciprocity that motivates them to complete a review for you. If you need some ideas, consider mining your existing reviews for other motivators to touch on in your email messaging. For example, highlighting yours as a local business that needs your customers’ support to compete with the Big Guys. People love to feel needed and many want to support your business.

To get started, go to Dashboard > Invites > Email. Click here to learn how to customize your emails.

2) Create a CSV and upload your recipients.

While you can upload recipients one by one (click the Add a recipient button), you can also upload a high volume of recipients at once by creating a CSV file.

Upload your CSV file by going to Dashboard > Invites > Recipients and clicking the Upload CSV button.

3) Activate your recipients.

When setting up an automated email drip campaign, contacts you upload (via CSV or one by one) will automatically be added to the Pending Recipients list, where they will stay until one of the following happens:

  • They’re automatically moved to the Active Recipients list. (You must toggle on the setting Auto-activate pending recipients daily?)
  • They’re manually moved to the Active Recipients list (after clicking Activate all pending recipients or toggling the check mark in their entry on/green).

Auto-activating recipients

This feature automatically moves a set number of recipients to your Active Recipients list every day (provided that there is enough room on the Active Recipients list – you are limited to 100 active recipients by default).

To turn on this feature, set Auto-activate pending recipients daily? to Yes. You can then set how many recipients per day you’d like to activate (the default is 10).

Once a recipient is active, they will begin receiving your email drip campaign. Active recipients eventually become Inactive Recipients. Inactive recipients have done one of the following:

  • Received all emails.
  • Unsubscribed.
  • Submitted a review directly to your landing page (i.e., not to any third-party site).
  • Submitted feedback via the contact form.
  • Opened or clicked through a campaign email (only if you’ve turned on either of these settings in Dashboard > Invites > Recipients > Activity).

Inactive recipients stay on the list for 180 days (unless you manually delete them or change the expiration date), after which they can be re-added as Active Recipients. The system will prevent you from re-uploading recipients on the inactive list, thus preventing you from sending your campaign to the same customer twice.

Photo credit: Pablo


3 reasons why wedding vendors need positive reviews

If you work in the wedding industry, you should know how important online reviews are for your business. Review websites are the new norm for sharing recommendations for bridal services and venues. Online reviews written by your clients have a huge impact on attracting new business. Reviews of your company on sites like The Knot and WeddingWire help increase your visibility online, while enhancing your reputation and credibility.

While appearing at bridal shows and wedding expos are a great way to get exposure, brides will still want to see your past work and hear from prior clients. Potential customers will research your business and will trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. In addition, using social media to influence your online brand is a great way to introduce new clients to your services.

Here are three ways online reviews affect the wedding industry.

  1. Online wedding planning.

A new trend in the wedding industry is online wedding planning. Online wedding planning services provide an opportunity for brides to connect with a planner and work out details quickly via the internet. If you have this type of business, online review are crucial, as they are the only way potential clients can decide if your company will be a good fit.

  1. SEO, which helps your business stand out.

The wedding industry occupies a large segment of the internet. Establishing a positive reputation online helps your content rank well in high traffic areas that will help your business stand out. Not only does this create brand awareness, it also helps promote your business as a resource for brides who have questions or need information. Positive reviews improve your sales and make you easily identifiable when potential clients search online.

  1. Vendor collaborations.

Often brides prefer using service providers who work in collaboration with each other to help them manage the overwhelming planning process. These relationships between vendors, photographers, bakers, florists, caterers and others often occur through recommendations – in person and online. Potential clients as well as collaborators will search reviews of your business before contacting you.

Your wedding business will flourish through a great portfolio and exceptional reviews. A wedding is arguably the most important day of a person’s life – one negative review can prevent you from landing a new client. Being recognized as a business that provides services to ensure a perfect wedding day is crucial in this industry. Don’t let one bridezilla take you hostage – know what previous customers are saying about your company and your services by monitoring and maintaining a positive presence online.

Managing your reputation online is easy when you use software like ReviewMaxer. ReviewMaxer helps you manage your reviews online and helps you become a recognizable and trusted brand in the competitive wedding industry.

Watch this free demonstration today to see how ReviewMaxer software works.

Photo credit: Pablo

Written by: Amanda Murguido


Most people expect film reviews, but what about the theaters that host them?

Having good customer reviews is more important than ever. Millennials, who are quickly taking over the market, rely on reviews more than their parents did and like to make purchases collaboratively (with input from friends, family and even strangers on the internet). According to a report from Barkley, nearly 40 percent of millennials base purchase decisions on online reviews and comments, versus just 25 percent of non-millennials.

 When a potential customer is searching online for where to see that new summer blockbuster, you want your theater to pop up as the best location, with rave reviews from past customers as proof.

But we’re a movie theater. How would people even review us?

As a movie theater, much of what you serve your customers is another company’s product (the movies). However, there are still many aspects of your theater that you control, which make or break a customer's movie-going experience.  

Since customers spend the majority of their time watching the film, you only have a few chances to show them how great your particular theater is. Here are three ways you can ensure your customers have a delightful movie experience – and then share their experiences online. 

  1. Provide superior in-person customer service.

These days, when so much is done online, the few in-person interactions your customers have with your brand are even more important. Deliver excellent customer service, and then make sure to provide an easy-to-find link or code where customers can share their experiences online. Include a sign near the ticket counter and the concession stand – the places people will think about their interactions and have a moment to write a review.

  1. Make cleanliness a priority.

The cleanliness of your theater is a key factor that potential customers will consider before choosing your business. After drinking so much movie theater soda, theatergoers are sure to want to use the restrooms. Keep bathrooms spotless – and then post a QR code on the walls to provide a convenient way for patrons to let you know how they feel about the cleanliness of the bathroom as well as the theater itself. We’ve all been to that theater where the floors were just a little too sticky for anyone's liking. If that sticky floor belongs to your theater, your customers will broadcast it online.

  1. Engage your audience.

Once your customers have purchased their popcorn, chosen the perfect seat and are eagerly waiting for the featured presentation to begin, it’s a great time to ask for a review. Before the previews start, use the screen time to provide a link for customer reviews. Patrons will be more likely to pull their phones out and kill some time. Additionally, have a QR code on the ticket stub that links customers to a review site, allowing them to easily share their experiences with the world once they are home. 

While there are plenty more ways to implement practices that encourage customer reviews for your movie theater, these suggestions are a good place to start. Managing your online reviews requires a great deal of time and energy. ReviewMaxer is an easy and effective way to improve your online reputation. Watch this free demonstration today to see how ReviewMaxer software works. ReviewMaxer provides simple links and QR codes that you can use to gain more positive online reviews and address the negative reviews on a personal level. You can resolve issues one on one before customers post publicly about their negative experiences, so you can keep your business’s reputation intact.

Photo credit: Pablo

Written by: Macey Wilson


Parents use online reviews when they make child care decisions

For parents, finding the right child care center can be a daunting task. There are many factors that go into making the decision, such as cost and location. However, for most parents, the most important factors are the quality of the center and the staff, which they base on the staff’s education, experience, the class size and more.

It’s hard for parents to leave their children in the care of someone else, which is why many parents spend a lot of time researching facilities to find the best possible option.

Parents find information about child care centers, like the teacher-child ratio and caregiver experience, on their websites and through on-site visits. However, parents are relying more and more on information they get from other parents whose children have attended the child care centers. They want unbiased opinions from parents who know firsthand how reliable the care center is, what activities it offers and, most importantly, how the center treated their children.


At the end of the day, there are minor differences between one great child care center and another, and it’s the reputation of a facility that truly makes it stand out. This is why online reviews are so important to the child care industry. Two centers can have equivalent levels of experience and similar activities, and it will be their online reviews that set them apart.

A single negative online review on your business can cause a loss of credibility and discourage other parents from enrolling their children. On the other hand, positive reviews can drive parents to your business. In the child care industry, word-of-mouth and positive reviews are essential to success.

You can make sure your reputation stays positive with ReviewMaxer, which allows you to monitor, manage and promote your online reviews. You can reach out to those with a negative experience to address and fix issues, while promoting positive reviews that boost your reputation.

When it comes to child care, parents will do their due diligence and pick the centers with the best care and reputation. By monitoring reviews from one central dashboard, you can ensure your business maintains a positive reputation.

Watch this free demonstration today to see how ReviewMaxer software works.

Photo credit: Pablo

Written by: Andrea Benaim


Facebook does great things for marketers and businesses on its platform

Recently, Facebook launched new features that improve your business’s online presence.

It’s very easy to set up a Facebook business page, where you can give information about your company and the services or products you offer. Now, Facebook offers customers an opportunity to leave reviews and ratings for your business on your business page.

Check-in’s: A few years ago, Facebook began giving users the option to check in whenever they visit a particular area or business. With this new update, you receive an automatic notification on your business page when a customer “checks in” to one of your physical locations. Using this feature, you can take note of frequent customers and read comments on their experiences.

A full 24 hours after your customer visits your business, Facebook sends the customer a notification with the option to leave a review on your business’s Facebook page about his or her experience. Customers are more likely to provide reviews at this time because it’s so soon after their visit. It’s an easy, streamlined process all within the same app. The bonus for your business is that Facebook sends the requests for reviews, so it doesn’t seem as if you’re hounding your customers for their reviews.

Recommendations: Another new feature that Facebook recently launched is the option for users to leave recommendations for others. Facebook introduced this feature a few months ago, offering users a chance to ask for recommendations when updating a status. This is a great asset for businesses that have a positive online presence. When a Facebook user tags your business within the comments of the recommendation status, a box will appear as a preview to your business’s Facebook page showing its overall rating.

With the advancement of technology and social media platforms, creating a strong reputation online is extremely important for any business. It can be overwhelming trying to manage customer reviews, which is where ReviewMaxer can help! When you use software like ReviewMaxer to manage your reviews, it’s easy to protect and even improve your online reputation.

Watch this free demonstration today to see how ReviewMaxer software works.

Photo credit: Pablo

Written by: Amanda Murguido


Reputation management software helps companies hear what customers are saying

In the real world, you hope that your satisfied customers would be kind enough to spread the word about your services or products. Unfortunately, you have no way of knowing if your customers actually use the power of their voices to tell others how amazing your company is.

But you can find out if they spread the word virtually. Customers are frequently leaving feedback on popular review sites such as Google+, Yelp and TripAdvisor for the entire world to see. Have you researched your company online? Did you know that 87 percent of people will not choose your business if it has a one- or two-star rating and/or several negative reviews?

Why your business needs online review management software

Through review managing software, you will be able to give your customers a voice. The concept is simple: After they do business with you, customers will receive a notification to review your company. With positive reviews, they will have options to post their feedback on the most popular and trending review sites, earning your business recognition and trust among consumers. And here’s the best part: If customers leave negative reviews, the software conveniently provides them with options to post on lesser-known review sites.

Reviews aren’t the only thing you should be concerned about; the stars play an important role too

Would you eat at a restaurant with a three-star rating? If given a choice, you would most likely select another one with a better rating. A three-star rating only convinces 57 percent of people of the credibility of a business, and most customers will pass on anything below that. Here’s the kicker: A business with a four-star rating will entice a whopping 94 percent of consumers.

What happens if your business has negative reviews?

According to researchers from Cornell University, unfavorable reviews can mean the death of your business. It’s harsh, but research doesn’t lie. New businesses are especially at the mercy of customer reviews if they want to remain in the race, but all business owners should seriously consider investing in online review management software to help them encourage positive feedback to counteract the negative reviews.

Don’t gamble with your business’s future!

It’s critical to manage and control online reviews and complaints on your business in order to protect your reputation. It’s also useful to increase your company’s star ratings and positive feedback on review websites to grow awareness of your brand. ReviewMaxer can do both. This powerful, cloud-based software provides its users with a proactive review strategy to quickly and easily manage reviews and comments from more than 500 sites. Sign up for  a demonstration to see how the ReviewMaxer software works and read the blog for more tips and resources to protect your company’s reputation and increase consumer recognition and trust.


Photo credit: 123RF Stock Photo

Written by: Paul Cook